Regional Officers

(Updated July 3, 2024)

AANR-SW benefits from volunteer leaders who work tirelessly with no pay, and often with very little recognition.   The Association would not exist without the dedication of these volunteers!.

    President – Dan Hawkins, North Texas Christian Naturists (2026) Email
    Vice President – Janine S., Hill Country Nudists (2026) Email
    Secretary / Treasurer – Wayne Kircher, Healthy Hides of Houston (2025) Email
    Recording Secretary – Sandi Sprong, Bluebonnet (2025) Email

Board of Directors
    Clarence L. Hart, Bluebonnet (2026) Email
    Bill H., Oaklake Trails (2027) Email 
    Robert Redoutey, Star Ranch (2025) Email

    Sandy Truxillo, Direct (2025) Email
    Mark Sprong, Direct Member (2026) Email
    Rick T., Direct Member (2027)

AANR Trustee – Southwest Region
    Heather Cheney, Oaklake Trails  (2024) Email

Committee Chairs
    Direct Members – Clarence L. Hart, Bluebonnet
    Convention & Facilities –  Mark Sprong
    Credentials – Janine S., Hill Country Nudists
    Finance – Sandy Truxillo, Direct Member
    Governmental Affairs – Bob Morton, Direct Member
    Internal Administration – Rick T., Direct Member
    Legislation – Janine S., Hill Country Nudists
    Membership – Bill H., Oaklake Trails
    Nominations – Vacant
    Public Relations and Marketing – Rick T.
    Resort and Club Management – Robert Redoutey, Star Ranch
    Youth Director – Heather Cheney
    Planning and Goals – Dan Hawkins, North Texas Christian Naturists
    Women in Nude recreation (WINR) – Denise H., Oaklake Trails Email

Club Delegates
    Healthy Hides of Houston – S.W.
    Hill Country Nudists – Mitch London
    Natures Resort – Misty Katz
    North Texas Christian Naturists – Mike Larocco   
    Oaklake Trails – Brenda Spangler

    Sandpipers Resort – Karen Willis
    Star Ranch – Crystal Wilkinson
    Wildwood Naturist’s Resort – Murry Conarroe

    Nude Racing Series – Rick Wall, Star Ranch Email
    Webmaster – Wayne Kircher, Healthy Hides of Houston Email